水道管(the water pipe):いとしきもの(Beloved Ones)
雑草句録(Weedy Haiku Records):水道管(the water pipe)
●Horisagete yosou hazureru suidou kan
ほりさげて よそうはずれる すいどうかん
▲Digging down
For the water pipe
Out of expectation
Mending of private water supply leakage. I supposed that the vinyl chloride pipe had
cracked because of freezing in winter, and dug down for it. But, against the odds,I finally
found the leakage at the end of the pipe. Feasibility studies are necessary for power
**************************************translation memo:
Yahoo translation:When I put the haiku 「掘り下げて予想外れる水道管」to tranlation box,theresult was 「The water pipe which I dig it down, and expectation is against」.