足跡(Footprints):いとしきもの(Beloved Ones)
2010/6/18 English Version
雑木歌録(Brushy Tanka Records ):足跡(Footprints)
■和歌も句も おのが足跡 消えゆけど 新たに刻む 鼓動なるべし 照葉
●わかもくも おのがあしあと きえゆけど おあらたにきざむ こどうなるべし
Waka mo ku mo onoga asiato kieyukedo aratani kizamu kodou narubesi
▲Both tanka and haiku
Are one's footprints
Destined to disappear
Yet new heart beatings
For the future steps.
My mother was a menber of a cirtain tanka society. She went to monthly meeting
and theworks she made are published in the society magazine.
About ten works has been contributed for each number ,
and she continued for about ten years. All the works constructed by
only 31 letters was a invaluable trace of her life. Continuance also is power.