緑のパワー(power of the greens):いとしきもの(Beloved Ones)
雑草句録(Weedy Haiku Records):緑のパワー(power of the greens)
●Isseini midorino pawaa fukidaseri
いっせいに みどりのぱわー ふきだせり
●Taiyou o tabetukusanto hano midori
たいようを たべつくさんと はのみどり
▲All atonce
Power of the greens
Burst up
I can't express the energy of fresh green leaves of plants as I feel.
There lies a certain limitation of expression methods.
Then, how I make a haike in the feeling that if I were the leaves themselves.
One more haike.
▲Eat up the sun
The greens of leaves
Expand up